This site aims to rediscover the DNA of CSIR (India) and to help reinvent a new future for this organisation!
The site is an initiative of NCL Innovations and was created following a thought provoking talk by Dr S Sivaram titled “Publicly funded research institutions and the legacy of Sir Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar” on 25 September 2014 (eve of CSIR Foundation Day) at the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Lecture Theatre, Polymers and Advanced Materials Lab, NCL, Pune organised by the Venture Center Library under its Inspiration Series.
The site will start by archiving:
- Documents articulating the mission and mandate of CSIR as articulated by its founders and leaders
- Documents and reports reviewing its activities and achievements
- High-level strategy/ plan/ road map documents and presentations
- Relevant information on the key founders and leaders who have shaped CSIR.
- Perspectives and opinions of key thought leaders
We aim to collect whatever we can find and get that will shed more light on the mission of CSIR.
From the confusing shades of dawn emerges a bright morning. We hope that all this will eventually lead to articulation of a new direction and renewed energies for the organization.
Please note that this site includes views and opinions. These should not be construed to represent the formal views of the organisation by merely an open discussion on the subject.
Send any comments and resources for this site to Dr V. Premnath, email: